Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I am pessimic about the future in terms of population. Nowadays, world faces tow main problems about the population. First one is the population lacks of balance. In some place, such as Japan, the population is not enough. In other word, the population will become more older,so it will becaom a risk for getting the new generation. Second one is the more worse than the first one, which is the population is too huge, even go over the limit in some place. In that area, the density of population is too high, and the sources will run out in short time, those include water, land, wood,and so on. In addition, it will make the concentration of carbon dioxide higher, so the global warming will be worse. In the other hand, some people will say, we have already had some soultion to deal with these problem, such as the limite of the birthrate. However, the the base number of the population is too big. Furthermore, the technonlgy improves too mnch, so the new born babies have high probability to saty a lives, the old man will live longer. Totally, we face too many hampers, so I am pessimistic about people can deal the population problems in the few years.

In my opinion, though it is very hard the deal the problems, we still have to do some to try to success. First, in the industrial world, the most improtant thing is the limite the birthrate. The baby boom is the biggest problem is the industrial would, so we have to deal the problem on the original. Making a policy, such as the singel child policy, to control the number maybe is useful in today situation.

1 comment:

  1. I think single child policy is not a good solution to deal with the increase of the world population. Each family should have 2 children is better. I also think that "baby boom" term is about the people who were born in WW2, not is the problem of the increase of world population :).
